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Wednesday 25 September 2013

shine bright like a diamond

Assalam dearies!

Hi dearies,how are you guys? Hoping you guys in good mood always ya. Don't be like this,iam kinda 'kuat marah-marah lah' this lately! I don't know why?
And for my blog,iam so sorry for not even to see you. Not updating you even once a day! WHat kind of human you ah? Urm. Btw,its look like a long 'silent' time ya! I'm not going anywhere. I'm just here and sometimes read my favorite's blog. And you know what,from the bottom of my heart,i really-really-really want to post something even a simple post,or even i mumbling about somethings! I miss it! I miss my blog,miss to let my finger dance on my keyboard! But I don't know why i cant!
My reason is:  
-Since i'm going into parenthood life i'm like too lazy even to open my laptop. Even updates status at my facebook iam too lazyyyy. Why hah? (nak salahkan hidup sbg mak-mak pulak kan,walhal diri sendiri yang malas. Bahaha)
-Think like what's i want to post in my blog. 
-Alah biarlah bukan ada readers pun. NEGATIVE MIND SET you know!
-Lastly,my hubby cut our internet! That's why! But now iam a happy wifey because my husband bring a brand new internet's to our home. And i smile all the day! Shine bright like a diamond. That's why i love my Husband. bahahaha.

And from now i decide to give my best to be a blogger like others. Since i read too many stories from their blog. They share with us what happened in their life,and to many moreee story. And i want to share my story too. But with my own story and my own life! Not for popularity you know!

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