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Friday 3 February 2012

Where's the promise?

Heh what promise huh? -______-
Yeah,im Very busy this lately. Im not sure busy about what. Sigh*

It's February people,some people say it's loving month. But for me it's just a month like others. But this month very special because all Muslim will celebrated 'maulidur Rasul'. It's our prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM) birthday. I'll write about it (InsyaALLAH) on that day and I'll upload some picture.

For me not on February also loving day,everyday is loving day. Don't wait for February for show your love to the loves one. Show it everyday to people who you care and love. Not only boyfriend/girlfriend,our family it's the first in our live,so we should show to them that we love them every seconds,minutes,hours,time,day 24/7. With this Way,they will feel happy and be appreciated. So don't wait for February to show your love.

I love my family very much,I'll do anything for them. I'll give anything what they want! Even the world. InsyaALLAH with ALLAH SWT grace I will.

Ya ALLAH Protect my family,Lead us to the right path. Blessed my Parents and siblings Ya ALLAH. And bring them to Jannah Ya ALLAH. Please. Amin.

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